
  • “Please consider Idea Design Group LLC for your corporate needs. The company offers top-notch quality, prompt and efficient service and rates.”

  • “Idea Design Group (IDG) showed great flexibility, commitment and professionalism in conducting these works, thus our cooperation can be referred as very fruitful. 
    Thus are happy to recommend IDG and its team as highly qualified, professional and result oriented company in in the field of provision of multiple branding and design services for interested companies and organizations.”

  • “We can definitely refer to this cooperation as to one of the most fruitful collaboration in our experience.”

  • “The database of the Supreme Court was our first joint project, and Idea Design Group demonstrated high professionalism as well as good communication skills and discipline. They have always met the terms of the Contract and they were distinguished by very business-like and friendly approach to the personnel involved in the project both from our and the Court’s side.”

  • “Asian Development Bank one more time extended this project in 2018 “United Water Supply Company of Georgia Asset Inventory in Selected Cities of Georgia”. The scope of this work was data collection of water supply and sanitation networks (up to 7 000 KMs) including preparation of all registration documents for Public Registry of Georgia. Idea Design Group did half of the network with 6 field groups and it continuously kept deadlines and quality of data.”

    Collaboration with Eptisa Engineering Services started in August of 2010.

  • "IDG proved they have very qualified project managers as well as technical staff. In the course of the contract implementation  IDG demonstrated excellent understanding of the objectives of the assignment as stated in the terms of reference (TOR), flexibility, and ability to complete the work per the scheduled timeframe, which was important for successful accomplishment of the project. In addition IDG prepared a technical instruction and a User Manual of the Web-based system; and provided detailed trainings for the staff of the Research Department in using the system."

  • “It needs to be emphasized that the company has successfully dealt with the task and the Web Portal is already effectively used by the Georgian High School of Justice. The Company is composed of the highly qualified project managers as well as web-designers and a strong group of programmers. During the process of the project “Idea Design Group” demonstrated flexibility and the ability to work in a short timeframe, which has significantly contributed to a successful accomplishment of our project.”

  • “In the course of the project implementation in the period February-May 2018, Idea Design Group demonstrated a very good understanding of the project objectives. The company implemented the project in good time, provided comprehensive training to the relevant IOM colleagues and continue supporting IOM in case of need. All features, requested by IOM and necessary to ensure user-friendly nature of www.informedmigration.ge were taken into account. The design of the webpage was developed in line with the requirements of the EU and every step of it was coordinated with IOM.”