Development of the Mobile App "Addeatives"
Idea Design Group has created mobile application "Food Additives".
Simply scan food ingredients written in the description and our e numbers app should provide you with information on how harmful the product may be to your health, as measured by the e additives it contains (if any). Moreover, get information on 366 additives that are available in our E numbers database.
This app intends to increase awareness among people about e additives, how harmful may some of the products that we consume every day be. Imagine you are in a supermarket while considering buying a tasty strawberry yogurt. But, after starting to read the ingredients it contains, you bump into “hieroglyphs” something like these: E127 or E400. Are they harmful?
Not all food additives, or in other words E numbers, are harmful. Some of them are simply vitamins, while others are synthetic substances that are dangerous if consumed in large quantities.
For downloading the app please follow the Google Play link - Addeatives: Food Additives Scanner & Database - Apps on Google Play
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