EMME - 3rd Year General Assembly

28 March 2012

EMME (Earthquake Model of the Middle East region) Third Year Assembly was held on 28 - 30 March 2012 in Istanbul (Turkey) 



EMME (Earthquake Model of the Middle East Region) is an international project aiming at the assessment of seismic hazard, the associated risk in terms of structural damages, casualties and economic losses and also at the evaluation of the effects of relevant mitigation measures in the Middle East region.

Experts of Idea Design Group support the Institute of Geophysics of Tbilisi State University in GIS and computational tasks in EMME project.  On the 3rd year General Assembly Meeting, GIS database of Georgian buildings with assigned European taxonomy classes was presented.  Test model results for 1991 Racha earthquake (calculated using ELER software) were also presented showing assessment of damage of the buildings in the region.
